Sunday 17 August 2014

Golden Puffs Prawn Cutlet stuffed with Mango Chutney


-        12 Tiger prawns, about 13 cm or 5 in long with shell and head on (NZ size 26/32 per 800 grammes)
-        8 egg whites
-        2 tablespoons plain flour
-        2 teaspoons Corn flour
-        Mango Chutney
-        Corn flour for dusting


-        ½ teaspoon sea salt
-        Sesame oil
-        ground white pepper


1.      Peel the prawns but leave the tails intact. Devein prawns by slitting the centre of their back. Run them under cold running water to wash off all slimy substances. Continue doing so until the prawns start to change translucent. Dry them thoroughly with a kitchen or paper towel and season them with sea salt, ground pepper and drops of sesame oil for at least 5 minutes.
2.      Cut the slit at the back of the prawn deeper but do not cut through and create a “pocket”.  Fill the “pockets” with mango chutney and set the prawns aside.
3.      Beat egg white until fairly stiff, add in the flour and the corn flour and continue to whip till the mixture becomes firm peaks.
4.      Heat the oil for deep frying, when hot, turn it down slightly. Coat the prawn lightly with corn flour to keep the chutney in place then dip each prawn into the egg white mixture and coat them thickly.  Deep fry a maximum of 4 prawns at one time till they just cooked and turned golden brown about 2 to 3 minutes. Drain and serve immediately.


-        Make sure the egg white mixture has been beaten to firm peaks before dipping in the prawn
-        Do not deep fry too much prawn at a time, the prawn will “puff up” a lot.  This also make sure the temperature of the oil will be maintained.
-        Serve as soon as the prawns are cooked and drained. If left too long, the egg white pastry will shrink.

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